Time is precious

Gaming servers managed by PioneerX

Time is precious

Knowing that peoples play time varies alot and most dont have days to dedicate to moving forward within a game we have made a couple of changes to Argiculture 1 to help people progress.

We have updated the economy setting to ‘Normal’ this increases prices for goods you sell and reduces costs of those you buy. This helps those with less time to play to progress. We also noticed that with fields as large as they are on the Lawfords map the prices are high. As such we have extended the starting cash from £500,000 to £1,000,000 to ensure that people can aford to buy a field/farm (for get there start by field flipping) if they want to.

We have also added ‘CoursePlay’ mod to the server. With field sizes very large on the Lawfords map and farms needing to do many jobs at the same time it is often a help to hire a worker to do some of the jobs. However the standard workers are not always capable of the job at hand (bailing for example) and to provide this function (and more) we added this mod.

We could write pages and pages about the CoursePlay mod but Farmer Klein did a fantastic video series on it so here is it…..

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