Community Rules

Gaming servers managed by PioneerX

PX Rules

Discord, Voice & InGame Chat
Our discord rules are very simple:

  1. Don’t be rude to other players
  2. Poltical speech, bulling, foul language & comments of a sexist, raceist (and most other *ists) nature will not be tolerated
  3. If an administrator asks you to stop something, stop
  4. Any decision by a community manager or PioneerX staff is final and can not be appealed.

If you act in violation of these rules, you will be warned first, on the second violation, you will be muted on the server. On your third violation we will remove you from the server indefinitely.

ALL Games
The following rules apply to all games managed by the PioneerX Group in addition to those relating to chat functions.

  1. Always remember it’s a game and people are here for relaxation and fun. Do do disrupt the fun of others.
  2. Trolling or disrupting the play of others for your own amusement will not be tolerated
  3. Follow all direction given by the admin team, they are there for good of all the community
  4. Do NOT ask for upgraded permissions, you require a promotion by a community manager to recieve additional permissions
  5. Keep ALL passwords you have been provided confidential
  6. In the case of games where collaborative work is key (Farming Simulator, Modded Minecraft in teams, etc) please ensure you conduct yourself with the best interests of the team in mind. For example, dont spend all the farms money on something unless the other farm members have agreed.
  7. Any decision by a community manager or PioneerX staff is final.

Server Hosting

The following rules apply to all servers hosted by PioneerX on behalf of gaming communities in addition to chat and game rules stated above.

  1. Server provision is at the discression of PioneerX staff and can be removed at ANY time
  2. Servers may ONLY be used to host the game for which they are intended, any additional unauthroised software, files or processes found on the servers will result in the immediate removal of service
  3. Your server MUST operate within the Terms of Service of the game it is hosting
  4. Server provision is at the discression of the PioneerX staff
  5. Server performance and space limitations are a function of the platform in use and changes are at the discression of the PioneerX staff
  6. Unauthorised accessing of servers and/or the underlying networks we will result in immediate removal of service and where appropriate report of the incident to relevant cyber security agencies
  7. All server hardware, software, files, configurations and licenses are and remain the property of PioneerX
  8. Any decision by a community manager or PioneerX staff is final.

Once provisioned your server will remain active unless one of the following conditions appears…

  • Your community takes off and becomes large enough to be self sustaining. When this happens you will be asked to provide your own hosting so we can free up the server space for other startup communities.
  • A member of the PioneerX core team becomes a member of your community. If this happens then your server space is guarenteed since we ensure enough core space is available for any game the PioneerX team is actively playing.
  • Your server or community is found to be in breach of any of the above rules. In this case your server will be removed from the PioneerX system immediatly with no appeal.
  • Your community is not as successful as you hoped. If your community doesnt take off and your server fall out of use for more than 4 weeks (no logins for 4 weeks without prior notice) then your server will be archived (for upto 3 months) and removed to make space for other startup communities.
  • An unforseen circumstance causes PioneerX to suspend its services. In this unfortunate scenario all community server functions are required to cease since they can no longer be sustained. In this case you will be offered a download of your server files before the systems are taken offline.

All Services

All services are provided ‘as-is’ on a charitable basis and no warrenty or guarantee of service is included, expressed or implied.

Last updated : 26th July 2021

NOTE: PioneerX reserves the right to change the policy and rules assoicated with service provision at ANY time, please ensure you remain familer with your obligations by visiting this page regularly.